Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Honoring All Who Served 11/11/12

On November 11th we acknowledged our Deer Park Veterans with a special luncheon and presented them with the 'Honoring Of All Who Served' book. Our Activity Director Kim Cavanagh created the 60 page 'Honoring All Who Served' book. The books capture our Deer Park Veterans rank, the branch of military they were in, where they were stationed and their favorite memory of service.

Honoring All Who Served
On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free. – D. Lipinski

Our Veterans Wall

Our Veterans
Captain Abel Kessler
Electrician 3rd Class - Andrew Judd
82 Field Artillery Medical Unit - Ardith Herrema
Aerial Torpedoman 2nd Class - Arthur Engman
Seaman 2nd Class - Bill Barker
1st Lieutenant - Don Shearer
Private 1st Class - Donald Heck
Rosie the Riveter - Frances Castellucci
Seaman 1st Class - Fred Lucia
Sergeant - Harry Bushway
Staff Sergeant - Henry Beadle
Cadet - Jim Heassler
Volunteer - Leila Smith
Technician 3rd Grade - Leo Buchwald
Secretary - Luela Kralka
Second Lieutenant - Margaret Barter
1st Class - Electrician - Ralph Uetz
Lieutenant Colonel - Raymond W. Maher
Technical Sergeant - Raymond R. Tschache
1st Class - Wally Landis
Lieutenant Commander - Wanda Boriotti
Lieutenant - Colonel - Donald Wilkes
Sergeant - Lenora L. Riley
Assimilated 1st Lieutenant - Theresa Rossi
Aaron Shenson
Margaret Friedman

Our Veterans That We Have Lost
Bill Love
Howard Henry
Mathew Luna

Our Veterans story.

God Bless The Men & Women Who Have Served Our Country.

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