Friday, September 28, 2012

Deer Park Auction 9/28/12

Wow, lots of wonderful items for this quarters auction. The residents just love this. All their hard earned Deer Bucks (funny money) is spent wisely. Fun, Fun, fun....

The 4 Deer Park Meal Tickets sold for a mere $86,000.00

Jean is confused on what to bid on.
Here Didi, a lovely pack of body lotions. Enjoy!

Can you believe - nobody wanted to bid on this lovely gift bag filled with Ensure?
Waiting patiently for the next auction item.

Active Ageing Week - 9/23 - 9/29

In the last week of September, older adults find plenty of interesting things to do and learn during Active Ageing Week.

In addition to our normal daily activities, this week at Deer Park Active Aging Week provides additional opportunities for our residents to choose an active life:
  • Healthy lifestyle presentations
  • Brain fitness and healthy mental outlooks
  • Music/Entertainment
  • Group exercise, EQL (Enhancing Quality of Life) - Zumba Gold chair dancing, Basic Senior Yoga
  • Games and challenges
  • Strolls and walks
  • Wellness
Day One: Sunday  (No photos)
Spiritual - Bus to Church.
Mental - Blackjack & Domino's.
Social - Gathering for Fruit Smoothies.

Day Two: Monday
Physical - EQL (Enhancing Quality of Life).

Zumba Chair Dancing

Day Three: Tuesday
Wellness - Glucose Testing & Blood Pressure Checks. Healthy Bones Workshop
Physical - Basic Senior Yoga. 
Social - Music / Entertainment  

Healthy Bones Presentation

Basic Senior Yoga

Jim Shelburne @ the piano

Day Four: Wednesday
Physical - Stroll thru Golden Gate Park.
Social - Gathering for a picnic in the park. 
Spiritual - Exercising the spirit with Caplain Jean Hicks (No photos)

Stow Lake

Day Five: Thursday
Physical - Walk at Pioneer Park. 

Day Six: Friday
Physical - Beachball - chair volleyball -

Caution tape works well for a volleyball net.

Day Seven: Saturday
Mental - Trivia (No photos)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Golden Gate Park 9/26/12

Today we headed south over the Golden Gate Bridge. We drove thru the Presido along the Great Highway to enjoy beautiful views of the ocean.

Then we stopped at Golden Gate Park where we celebrated Active Aging Week by taking a walk around Lake Stow and enjoyng a wonderful picnic lunch.